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Up to $10 off $25 Purchase at Toys R Us

 Through President's Day (Feb 15th), you can use this coupon for $5 off a $25 dollar purchase.  If you still have your e-Gift Certificate from becoming a Fan on their Facebook page, you can use that too for a total of $10 off. They can be combined because one is a coupon and the other is a gift certificate.

If you're total is close to $25 and you need fillers, here are some ideas:
Buy 1 trial size Johnson's Baby Lotion (price varies, but between $1-$2)
Final price: Less than $1

Buy 2 Johnson's Baby Shampoo (15oz) 2/$6
$1/1 Baby Shampoo here (excludes trial size so this one will print if you've used all your prints on the one for ANY)
Final price: 2/$4 (must buy 2 for the 2/$6 offer)